Home Sustainability

Honda Foundry uses light metal technology to lighten every load in the world.

Becoming a company whose presence is expected.

Environmental Activities

1)HF Group Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

We consider the preservation of the global environment to be an important issue, and through our business activities, we will actively work to maintain human health and preserve the global environment, aiming to be a company that the community can be proud of.

Code of Conduct

We will consider the environmental aspects of our business activities and their impact, and will conduct the following environmental management activities to reduce the environmental impact of all our business activities.

  1. We will assess the environmental impact of our business activities, and set and improve targets for important items with the aim of reducing environmental impact as much as technically and economically feasible.
  2. We will comply with relevant environmental laws, regulations, standards, and other requirements, and work to prevent environmental pollution.
  3. As the leading HF Group in the light metals industry, we will promote high efficiency and energy saving in all aspects of our business activities, and promote activities that lead to the reduction of environmental burdens, such as the prevention of global warming.
  4. We will strive to coexist in harmony with society.
  5. We will conduct environmental education and in-house activities to ensure that all employees engaged in our business activities understand our environmental policy and are familiar with environmental information.
  6. We will continuously improve our environmental management system.
  7. We will disclose our environmental policy and the scope of its application outside the company as necessary.
Scope of Application
  1. applicable area
    Headquarters and Kawagoe Plant: 1620 Matoba, Kawagoe City, Saitama
    Kitakata Plant: 5817-1, Michishita-Higashi, Miyazu, Iwatsuki-cho, Kitakata City, Fukushima
  2. exempted area
    1. ① Activities of Metts Corporation on the premises of Kawagoe Plant
      Ltd.’s environmental management activities are basically in accordance with the policy of Metts Co. However, as a subsidiary, environmental management activities may be linked.
    2. ② 喜Kitakata Plant LNG facility (Wakamatsu Gas)
      The premises of the above facilities are managed by the gas company.

2)Examples of CO2 Reduction in Product Development

We have developed and produced the world’s first HPDC (=high-pressure casting) pistons in the history of automobiles, contributing to improved fuel economy of the Civic Hybrid.
In addition, many other Honda models are equipped with the following products manufactured by Honda Metals.
  • High-performance pistons
  • High-performance cylinder heads
  • Lightweight aluminum body parts
These products contribute to improved fuel economy and reduced CO2 emissions.

Social Contributions

Blood donation (Kawagoe and Kitakata)
Accepted factory tour (Kitakata)
Community cleanup activities (Kawagoe and Kitakata)
Introduction of support vending machines (Kawagoe) Ogya Donation, Pink Ribbon, Orange Ribbon

Diversity of Human Resources

1)Action Plan for Child Care Support

KURUMIN Certification

2In July 2023, we received certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a company that supports child-rearing.

Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

In order to ensure that all employees can fully demonstrate their individual abilities by creating a comfortable employment environment, the following action plan will be developed.

  1. Planning Period
    ●April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2026
  2. Details
    Goals : Raise awareness of the childcare support system
    Measures : Prepare a guide for the childcare support system from April 1, 2023, and publicize the system to those eligible for childcare leave and their supervisors.

2)Percentage of male and female employees taking childcare leave

3)Action Plan for Women’s Advancement

“ERUBOSHI” Certification

In June 2021, we received certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a company that promotes the advancement of women.

Database of companies promoting women’s activities
  1. ① Planning Period
    April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2026
  2. ② Our Tasks
    1. ① few female workers
    2. ② fewer women employed in technical fields and fewer women working in technical workplaces
    3. ③ fewer women in managerial and qualified positions
  3. ③ Goals and Initiatives
    Goal 1: Increase the percentage of women hired to at least 20% of the workforce over the next five years.
    April 2021-
    Conduct public relations activities to increase the number of women employed.
    April 2021-
    Establish and maintain an environment where women can work comfortably and want to continue working.
    April 2021-
    Interview female employees about their reasons for joining the company and review PR points.
    Goal 2: Over the next five years, increase the rate of childcare leave taken by at least 10% of men and 100% of women.
    April 2021-
    Establish and maintain an environment where women can work comfortably and want to continue working.
    April 2021-
    Maintain and continue overtime work, zero paid leave cuts, and the flex system
    April 2021-
    Promote PR to encourage male employees to take advantage of the male parental leave system

4)Percentage of female workers among employed workers

5)Percentage of women taking annual paid leave

6)Information on the wage gap between men and women(2022 results)

There are no gender differences in the applicable wage and personnel systems.


Corporate Governance

「Honda’s Code of Conduct」

Under our philosophy of “Origin of Action,” we have been developing our business globally, driven by the realization of dreams, sharing joy with people in Japan and abroad, and building trust with our customers and society. As a result of our global business development, we now have employees in Japan and abroad. In order for us to further secure the trust of our customers and society, it is essential that each and every one of our employees act with integrity and logic based on our Philosophy.

Therefore, the HF Group, consisting of our company and subsidiaries, as a member of the Honda Group, has resolved to adopt the Honda Code of Conduct, which all HF Group executives and employees are fully aware of and will practice honest and logical behavior in accordance with the Code.

Honda’s Code of Conduct(PDF format)

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